Sunday, February 20, 2011

In Mexico!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH im in mexico!!! im here!  and i couldnt figure out the phones in mexico city for the life of me! it was way hard lol.  i totally had to rely on my spanish skills though.  it was frustrating and fun at the same time.  anyways torreon is sweet.  had some authentic mexican with the mission president and his wife they are really great people i love em already.  authentic mexican is great though!  anyways i cant email for too long but just letting you know its all good.  p day is on monday.  and i have a native companion i{m meeting tomorrow.  Elder Lopez!  so ya.  love you guys and it was so great to hear from all of you.  love you guys.  youre in my prayers!  im so excited this weeeeekkkkk ahhhhhhhh.  oh by the way contacted 2 people on the way in spanish it was great =) love ya!  gotta go!  i{m doing fantastic.  jfsdaklñfjsdañlfkjsdalñfjk =)  talk to ya next week in email!  mission president says we get mail about every month ok?  and email is at internet cafes so im good on that.  ok love you guys!  =)


1 comment:

  1. Elder Day: So good to read your in Mexico and doing well. Have a great time doing His work. I think of you often. You are in our prayers.


    Bro. Erb.
